Global Sustainability Governance
Presentations, Speeches, Podcasts
25 February
Solar Geoengineering. Politics, Power and Planetary Intervention Technologies
Presentation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
18 February
Solar Geoengineering. Politics, Power and Planetary Intervention Technologies
Presentation at Utrechtse Aardwetenschappen Vereniging. Utrecht University.
12 December
Governance of Catastrophic Risks: Towards an Earth Governance Assessment
Presentation at the Global Challenges Foundation (online).
24 November
The Limits of Current Planetary Governance
Participant in a plenary panel at the Planetary Summit, hosted by Berggruen Institute, Palazzo Diedo, Venice, Italy, 22-24 November.
19 November
World Politics in the Anthropocene
Presentation at Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.
14 November​​​
Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene
Presentation at the Climate Change Leadership programme, Uppsala University
12 November
Planetary Stewardship in View of Earth-Space Sustainability
Presentation at the 2024 Earth-Space Symposium on ‘Sustainability, Governance, Futures’, Utrecht University
6 November
Engineering the Climate? The Case for a Global Precautionary Approach and a Non-Use Agreement
Presentation at Probus association, Amsterdam.
29 October
Weltpolitik im Anthropozän. Bausteine einer Erdsystem-Governance
Lecture in the Faculty Lecture Series of the Institute for Political Science, University of Münster.
15 October
Social Sciences in an Era of Rapid Global Change
Invited presentation at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
​​23 September
Reflections on the Interaction of Solar Geoengineering with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Invited closing presentation at the Session ‘Solar Geoengineering: Perspectives on Risks, Governance, and Political Challenges’. Science Summit during the 79th United Nations General Assembly, New York City
18 September
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from Science
Panel presentation at the conference ‘Celebrating the Future with Culture, Youth, Digital Innovation and Localization of SDGs’. United Nations Headquarters, Trusteeship Council chamber, New York City
29 August
The Sustainable Development Goals: State of Research and Future Directions
Opening Keynote at the International Research Conference GlobalGoals2024 – The Future of the SDGs, Utrecht University, 29-30 August 2024
​26 August
The Future of Global Sustainability Governance
Presentation at the Utrecht Summer School on the Future of Global Sustainability
11 July
Engineering the Climate? The Case for a Global Precautionary Approach and a Non-Use Agreement
Presentation at the Zagreb Law Summer School ‘EU Climate Change Law’, University of Zagreb (online).
8 June
Could Solar Geoengineering Ever Be Governed?
Opening presentation at the information and dialogue session on ‘Solar Geoengineering Governance’ during the Bonn Climate Change Conference, Bonn.
3 June
Assessing the Prospects for Fair and Effective Global Governance of Solar Geoengineering Deployment. A Scoping Study
Opening presentation at Roundtable Discussion on Planetary-Scale Solar Radiation Modification. Mimir Centre at the Institute for Futures Studies and Global Challenges Foundation. Stockholm.
2 May
World Politics in the Anthropocene
Invited presentation at the 2024 Symposium of the Science Honours Academy, Utrecht University
24 April
Roadmaps for the Summit of the Future and the Post-2030 Agenda
Roundtable chair and participant. Workshop ‘Future of Sustainable Development: Bridging SDG Interactions, Modelling, Tools and Policy’. Groningen University, 22-24 April.
10 April
‘Environmental Violence in the Anthropocene’ (discussant)
Discussant of a presentation by Markus Lederer, Darmstadt. Wageningen University and Research​
8 April
Redding van de planeet door mondiale Duurzaamheidsdoelen? Een kritische blik op de status en toekomst van de SDGs van de Verenigde Naties
Invited lecture at the Sociëteit voor Culturele Samenwerking. The Hague​.
26 March
Laudatio in honour of Professor Robyn Eckersley
On occasion of the conferral of the degree of Doctor honoris causa of Utrecht University (video here).
13 March
Planetary Justice and Social Responsibility
Keynote at the conference Planetary Justice and Societal Responsibility in Sustainability Science and International Cooperation, Leibniz network Knowledge for Sustainable Development (virtual)
6 March
The Impact and Future of the SDGs
Roundtable discussion with members of the Advisory Council on International Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands.
1 March
Solar Geoengineering: A Possible Case of Ecocide?
Presentation in the Ecocide Hub’s Speaker Series, Utrecht University.
​15 February
Solar Geoengineering as a Governance Challenge in Climate Politics
Presentation at the Workshop on Solar Radiation Modification in International Negotiations. Umweltbundesamt (German Environmental Protection Agency), Dessau, Germany.
8 February
​Solar Geoengineering as a Problem of Global Governance
Invited presentation and discussion at a capacity building workshop for country delegates in preparation for the Sixth United Nations Environment Assembly. Virtual presentation.
29 January
​Weltumweltpolitik im Anthropozän: Bausteine einer Erdsystem-Governance
University-wide lecture in the University President’s lecture series, University of Gießen.
15 January
Active Scholarship in Global Climate Politics: Experiences from the Initiative for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering
Research seminar presentation, Utrecht University.
4 December
Die politische Wirkung der SDGs: Forschungsstand und Ausblick
Keynote at the 10th annual conference of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany. Potsdam.
26 October
Bridging Earth System Science and Earth System Governance
Roundtable presenter. 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
26 October
Scholar Activism within Earth System Governance: Exchanging Lessons from Three Initiatives
Roundtable Presenter. 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
26 October
Sustainable Development Post 2030, Whose Development for What Sustainability? Semiplenary session. Roundtable participant. 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Online recording here.
26 October
​Engaging with Earth System Governance Publications
Roundtable Presenter. 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, Netherlands.​
22 October
Decolonizing Academic Publishing
Presentation at the ‘South-South Dialogue’, 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
25 September
Utrecht City’s Voluntary Local SDG Review: A Commentary
Panel discussant with the Mayor of Utrecht, Sharon Dijksma, and the Netherlands national SDG coordinator, Sandra Pellegrom. Act Together Utrecht, Utrecht.
13 September
The Call for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering. Rationale and Update on Recent Activities
Workshop with academics and policy makers at Sonnenborgh Museum and Observatory, Utrecht.
8 September
Engineering the Climate? The Case for a Global Precautionary Approach and a Non-Use Agreement.
Presentation at Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Government of France, Paris.
15 July
Science Day at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Roundtable lead discussant. UN Headquarters, New York City.
5 July
​The Future of the SDGs: Matching Research, Policy-making, and Non-state Agency
Roundtable participant at international workshop ‘Sustainable Development Goals: How do we meet them?’. Leiden University and Lorentz Centre.
3 July
​Scenario Analysis in Support of SDG Implementation
Roundtable participant and presenter at international workshop ‘Sustainable Development Goals: How do we meet them?’. Leiden University and Lorentz Centre.
27 June
Transforming Governance in the Age of the Anthropocene
Opening plenary presentation at the 6th International Conference on Public Policy (with ca. 1300 participants), 27-29 June 2023. Toronto (via Zoom link).
5 June
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Opening presentation at the workshop ‘The Future of the Sustainable Development Goals’, University of Bath, United Kingdom
26 May
Engineering the Climate? False Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Invited presentation to senior climate negotiators from African states
24 May
Solar Geoengineering als Herausforderung der (Außen)-politik
Invited presentation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Germany. Berlin.
11 May
Moet de overheid zich bemoeien met het klimaat? Doet klimaatengineering meer goed dan kwaad?
Lecturer and coach at school debating event hosted by Stichting Nederlands Debat Instituut (Dutch debating society). Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
26 April
​Solar Geoengineering as a Challenge for Global Governance
Presentation at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, Government of the Netherlands
30 March
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Opening presentation at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe side event ‘Multi-level Acceleration for the SDGs in the UNECE Region’. Direct link here.
21 March
Ecocide as an International Crime: A Commentary
Presentation at the conference Law and the End of Anthropocentrism. Utrecht University School of Law, Pathways to Sustainability programme and Dutch Association for Environmental Law. Utrecht University (link here)
14-15 March
Anticipating Debates on Governance of Solar Geoengineering
Presentation at the workshop ‘Anticipating Future Debates on Climate Intervention’. Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States (remote participation)
20 February
Solar Geoengineering as a Challenge for Global Governance
Webinar of the initiative for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering
13 February
Solar Geoengineering in the Context of Climate Governance
Governance Workshop on Solar Radiation Modification. Umweltbundesamt, Germany (online)
8 February
The Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Keynote at Workshop on SDG Interactions, Wageningen University and Research
3 February
Teaching Politics after Environmentalism
Presentation at the Department of Political Science, Lund University (online)
31 January
Geoengineering the Climate? False Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Public presentation at Studium Generale, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands (link here)
5 December
Planetary Health
Podcast by Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, with Anna van Valkengoed (Groningen) and moderator Margreet Reijntjes
22 November
Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene
Invited presentation at the University of Münster, Germany (online)
15 November
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Presentation at University College Utrecht
9 November
Earth System Governance and Planetary Justice
Keynote presentation at the Integrated Earth System Research Conference 2022 – From Vision to Implementation. Potsdam, 8-9 November
7 November
Planetary Health and Climate Governance
Session chair and rapporteur. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science, Amsterdam.
20-24 October
2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance ‘Governing Accelerated Transitions: Justice, Creativity, and Power in a Transforming World’. Toronto, 20-24 October 2022.
Presented or coauthored papers:
Anchoring Knowledge Cumulation in Environmental Governance Research – But How? Panel participant.
Are We Moving Towards Integrated Sustainability? An Expert Survey Among Organizations (Montesano et al.)
Do the SDGs Foster Sustainability? Evidence from an Expert Survey (Montesano et al.)
Do the SDGs Matter for the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework? Insights from Twitter (Bogers et al.)
Earth System Governance and the Global South: An Open Conversation. Panel participant.
Engaging with Global Goals through Organizational Jiu-Jitsu: The Case of the World Bank, the Sustainable Development Goals, and Reducing Inequalities (van Driel et al.)
Exploring the Interface of Earth and Space Governance. Innovative Panel participant.
Greening Labour: Trade Unions, Integrated Sustainability, and the SDGs (Montesano et al.)
Leveraging Private Finance for Public Good? State-Supported Private Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia (Yunita et al.)
Limited Effects of the Sustainable Development Goals on Policy Integration. Insights from Text Analysis on 159 International Organizations (Bogers et al.)
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Findings from a Multi-Year Research Project.
The UN Regional Commissions as Orchestrators for Sustainable Development? (van Driel et al.)
Where is Sustainability in the Resource Curse Debate? Rethinking Academic Framing on Resource Governance (Yanuardi et al.)
12 October
Assessing Solar Radiation Management
Panel participant at the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Summit 2022. Geneva, 12-14 October 2022 (online participation, full video of panel is here).
29 September
Nieuwe uitdagingen voor het milieurecht in het Antropoceen
Plenary presentation at the 40-year Anniversary Congress of the Dutch Association for Environmental Law (Vereniging voor Milieurecht)
27 September
Key Lessons from the SDG Impact Assessment for Future Research and Policy Reform
Roundtable participation and co-chair. Online Webinar.
26 September
Geoengineering the Climate? False Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Presentation at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (online, Youtube link here).
6 July
Earth System Governance for Sustainable Development
Presentation including mentoring programme in the Global Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability fellowship programme hosted by O.P. Jindal Global University in India.
5 July
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Presentation at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development side event ‘The Political Effects of the SDGs since 2015: Findings from the Global SDG Impact Assessment’. New York and online. Full recording here.
22 June
Governance Innovations to Protect Our Planet
An Experts Roundtable in Support of Our Common Agenda. Hosted by Utrecht University (online).
21 June
Climate Obstruction and Scholar Activism: The Case of Solar Geoengineering
Presentation in the Innovation Studies seminar series, Utrecht University
13 June
Supporting Global Geosciences
Invited lunch presentation at the retreat of the administrative staff of the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University
10 June
Reflections from the Science/Activism Frontier: Geoengineering as a False Climate Solution
Invited presentation at the Climate Social Science Network’s conference Global Climate Governance in the Face of Obstruction, Bonn (online)
10 June
Solar Geoengineering
Invited presentation at the first meeting of the Global Commission on Governing Risks from Climate Overshoot, headed by Pascal Lamy. Bellagio (online participation).​
2 June
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Opening presentation at the Roundtable ‘Taking Stock and Moving Forward: Lessons Learned from an Assessment of the Political Impact of the SDGs’ at Stockholm+50 Meeting. Online video here.
1 June
Die Grenzen der planetaren Kontrollfantasien: Warum Geoengineering und globale Technokratie keine Lösung sind
Invited presentation at Annual Conference 2022 of DFG Kolleg Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit “Planet und Gesellschaft: Die Grenzen nachhaltiger Zukünfte". University of Hamburg, Germany (online).
31 May
Global Environmental Governance 50 Years after the Stockholm Conference
Presentation at the workshop "Stockholm+50: A Half Century of Global Environmental Governance - Taking Stock and Moving Forward" Stockholm, Högberga gård, Lidingö.
18 May
Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future
Panel presentation at launch of report by SEI and CEEW. Stockholm Environment Institute and Council on Energy, Environment and Water (livestream here).
12 April
Long-term Institutions in the Anthropocene
Presentation at the Longterminism and Institutions workshop, Strategic Theme Institutions for Open Societies, Utrecht University.
28 March
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Roundtable chair and presentation at the 2022 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Nashville, United States (online presentation with Carole-Anne Sénit)
23 March
Solar Geoengineering - Our way out of the climate crisis?
Public presentation in the online series Researchers’ Desk (a weekly webinar series).
3 March
Climate Engineering – Unser Weg aus der Klimakrise?
Public presentation at Germany’s Environmental Protection Agency (Umweltbundesamt). Online.
16 February
Politics in the Anthropocene
Presentation at plenary gathering of the Sola Scriptura student association. Utrecht.
10 February
Decolonizing educational and research institutions
Presentation at the Brown Bag seminar of the Utrecht University hub ‘Gender and Diversity’ (with Carole-Anne Sénit).
8 February
Climate Engineering – Onze uitweg uit de klimaatcrisis?
​Public evening lecture in Dutch. With live music and drinks. Science Café Leiden.
20 January
The Anthropocene: A governance perspective
Presentation at the Anthropocene Research Collective for Human, Animal and Interspecies Collaborations, Radboud University, Nijmegen
3 November
Protecting Climate Refugees
Interview in EuroNews on “Climate Refugees”. Direct link here.
28 October
Climate Engineering – Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?
Webinar presentation organized by Scientists for Future Netherlands
1 October
Alle Macht den Richtern? Die neue Rolle des Rechts in der Weltumweltpolitik
Keynote at the annual German-Dutch Lawyers’ Conference (Deutsch-Niederländische Juristenkonferenz).
16 September
Transformativer Wandel durch die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen? (Roundtable)
Annual Convention of the German Political Science Association.
3 September
Political Science Research on Climate Change: Where is the Impact, How Can It Be Enhanced? (Roundtable)
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference
25 August
The Sustainable Development Goals as Global Mission-oriented Policy
Opening presentation at Eu-SPRI Early Career Research Training School ‘Advancing Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy’, Utrecht University (online)
21 July
Which Political Effects Have the SDGs Had So Far? Evidence from a Global Science Assessment
Keynote address at Evidence for Action: Aligning the Climate and SDG Agendas. Online International Research Symposium (hosted by Sussex University and partners). Watch the panel on YouTube here.
7 July
Our Future in the Balance: The Role of Courts and Tribunals in Meeting the Climate Crisis
Roundtable participant
6 July
From Environmental Policy to Earth System Governance
Presentation at Centre for Sustainable Society Research, University of Hamburg. Link to Video here.
8 June
Global Sustainability Governance and Poverty Eradication
Presentation at Utrecht Student Association for International Relations
20 May
Earth System Governance for Sustainable Development and Peace
Invited presentation (webinar) with Hiroshima University. See the YouTube video here.
29 April
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of COVID-19.
Panel discussion hosted by Earth System Governance Project. YouTube video here
28 April
Sustainable Development Goals, Earth System Governance and Planetary Justice. 1-hour Podcast with Dr Dhanasree Jayaram of Manipal Academy of Higher Education. YouTube video here. Recordings on Spotify, Buzzsprout, and Google Podcast.
19 April
World Politics in the Anthropocene
Invited Lecture at Descartes Alumni Genootschap (Descartes Alumni Society)
17 April
On the Emergence of Earth System Governance
Interviewed for Podcast ‘SPHERE – a podcast on the evolution of global environmental governance’. Listen to the Podcast here.
13 April
Desirable climate futures? The geoengineering dilemma. Panel discussion (online).
6-9 April
International Studies Association Annual Convention
Co-Presenter, ‘Global Civil Society and the Representation of the Global Poor in Sustainable Development Negotiations’
Co-Presenter, ‘The Marginalization of the Global South in Global Change Science’ (with Carole-Anne Sénit)
Participant, Roundtable ‘How to Get Published’
Honoree, ‘Distinguished Scholar Panel honoring Frank Biermann’
7 April
Earth System Governance and the Common Home of Humanity
Podcast (online here) with Kimberly White, CEO of Planet Press
18 March
The Steering Effects of the Sustainable Development Goals
Presentation at Webinar ‘The Contribution of SDGs to Global Governance. Hosted by Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona, Spain
3 March
The Impact of the Sustainable Development Concept. Listen here to my Podcast in the series In Pursuit of Development
16 February
Podcast in Dutch from Impact Café Utrecht
25 January
The European Green Deal: Reflections on Nature, Animals, and the Planet
Keynote at conference ‘The Green Deal: What Are its Implications for Animals and Nature?’ Maastricht University (short video here: online).
15 January
Opties voor negatieve CO2-emissies
Online Public Dialogue (in Dutch) by organisations affiliated with the Dutch Green and Social-Democratic parties. I argued for European initiatives to control research on climate engineering. Join us online here.
3 December
Defining the Normative Space of the Anthropocene: Goals, Targets, Politics
Keynote at the conference Toolbox of Environmental Governance: Numbers, Metrics, and Acronyms. Swedish Royal Academy of Art and Sciences, Stockholm (virtual presentation).
27 November
New Developments in Global Sustainability Governance
Presentation at the Inaugural Workshop of the Cascades Project (Horizon 2020).
25 September
‘Let’s Build the Job Profile of the 21st Century Leader’
SDG Action Day – Panel Discussion. Online event organised by SDG Action Netherlands
16 September
Global Sustainability Governance Fifty Years after the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment
Presentation at the Plenary ‘Science-Policy Dialogue on Stockholm+50’ at the international Earth System Governance Virtual Forum.
16 September
The Steering Effects of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Research Agenda
Invited presentation at the Semi-plenary ‘The Sustainable Development Goals: Success or Failure’ at the international Earth System Governance Virtual Forum.
10 June
Global Governance through Goal-Setting: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of the Millennium Development Goals
GlobalGoals2020 International SDG Research Symposium, Utrecht University.
9 June
The Steering Effects of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Research Agenda
Opening speech at the International SDGs Research Symposium GlobalGoals2020. Utrecht University.
6 June
COVID-19 and Global Sustainability
Keynote at KMF and Forum Kagama Virtual “Living in Peace with Covid-19?”. Online.
5 March
Die Sustainable Development Goals: Transformative Kraft der Nachhaltigkeitspolitik?
Public Evening Debate jointly organised by Schader Foundation, German Political Science Association, and Technical University Darmstadt. Darmstadt, Germany.
25 February
Climate Engineering: Science Fiction or Future?
Presentation at the university-wide programme Studium Generale of University of Twente.